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Notice: Due to rising water levels, all cruises between Wuhan and Nanjing, and several Chongqing and Nanjing cruises were canceled in 2024. For more information, please feel free to contact our travel consultants.

Yangtze 2

Yangtze 2 Cruise Ship

Yangtze 2 is the newest refurbished ship from Changjiang Cruises. Equipped with modern facilities and large cabins and suites, Yangtze 2 cruise is with a very competitive price making it very popular among all the ships.

In 2024, refurbished Yangtze 2 offers special all-inclusive packages to cities along the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, between Wuhan and Nanjing, and the panoramic Yangtze River vacation, between Chongqing and Nanjing.

Cruise Route:

  • Nanjing - Chongqing (10 days & 9 nights;)
  • Chongqing - Nanjing (10 days & 9 nights;)
Enquiry Now

Yangtze 2 Cruise Ship Chongqing Nanjing Itinerary in 2024

Nanjing Embarkation
Yangtze River Cruise - Nanjing EmbarkationNanjing Embarkation
  • Highlights of Today
    • Board the ship at Wumadu Tourist Wharf in Nanjing (南京五马渡旅游码头) at 16:00-18:00 and check in;
    • Depart from Nanjing at around 18:00;
  • Dining
    Dinner (Chinese & Western buffet) (18:30)
Yangtze River Cruise - Jiu Hua Shan Dayuan Buddhist Culture ParkJiu Hua Shan Dayuan Buddhist Culture Park
Yangtze River Cruise - Mount JiuhuaMount Jiuhua
  • Highlights of Today
    • Shore excursion to option A: Jiu Hua Shan Dayuan Buddhist Culture Park (大愿文化园景区) and Pingtian Lake (平天湖)

      (Worship the 99-meter bronze statue of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva at Jiu Hua Shan Dayuan Buddhist Culture Park, take a close look at the world's largest pool of Buddha's light, cross the rainbow bridge, and step into the Lotus Pure Land as the lotus rises under your feet.)
      (Take a stroll along the "most beautiful sky road" by Pingtian Lake, as recommended by Xinhua News. Here, you can admire the stunning views of the lake and mountains, breathe in the fresh air, and capture the beauty of the surroundings with your footsteps and camera.)

    • Or shore excursion to option B: Mount Jiuhua Scenic Area (九华山风景区)

      (Mount Jiuhua, one of China's four famous Buddhist mountains, was recognized as a model for integrating geological landforms and regional culture. In 2019, it became the 39th global Geopark in China by joining the UNESCO Global Geopark Network.)

  • Entertaiment Onboard
    • Captain's Welcome Party │ Cocktail Night;
  • Dining
    Breakfast (Chinese & Western buffet); Lunch (A Line: Anhui Cuisine; B Line: Traditional Chinese Dishes); Dinner (Chinese & Western buffet); Afternoon Tea; Midnight snack
Yangtze River Cruise - JingdezhenJingdezhen - Taoyang Alley
Yangtze River Cruise - Mount LuMount Lu
Yangtze River Cruise - Pipa PavilionPipa Pavilion
  • Highlights of Today
    • Shore excursion to option A: Mount Lu (庐山)

      (The unique and magnificent landscape of Mount Lu is adorned with strange peaks, rocks, waterfalls, and springs scattered throughout gullies and valleys. It has been a muse for poets and scholars throughout history, inspiring over 16,000 poems. In 1996, Lushan National Park was recognized and listed in the UNESCO World Heritage List.)

    • Or shore excursion to option B: Jingdezhen - Tao Yang Alley (陶阳里御窑景区), Jiujiang Flood Control Themed Cultural Park (九江九八抗洪主题文化公园) and Pipa Pavilion (琵琶亭)

      (Located in the centre of Jingdezhen's old town, Tao Yang Alley re-creates the bustling scene of “Thirteen Miles of Tao Yang, Ten Thousand Families bustling” in those days. The scenic area covers 108 old city lanes that have lasted for thousands of years. Additionally, it includes the 650-year-old National Protection Unit - Imperial Kiln Factory National Archaeological Site Park, the 400-year-old Ming and Qing Dynasty kiln communities, and the 70-year-old ceramic industrial heritage, which is often referred to as “the pearl in the crown of the porcelain country.”);
      (The Pipa Pavilion, located at the Xunyang River scenic area, is a cultural landmark in the urban section of the Jiujiang Yangtze River National Cultural Park. It was initially constructed during the Tang Dynasty to honor the renowned Tang poet Bai Juyi. The pavilion is situated at the location mentioned in his poem "Farewell a Guest by the Xunyang River at Night" and has become one of the eight prominent sightseeing spots in ancient Jiangzhou.)

  • Entertaiment Onboard
    • Yangtze River Culture Style Gala │ Disco Party;
  • Dining
    Breakfast (Chinese & Western buffet); Lunch (Dinning at local restaurants); Dinner (Chinese & Western buffet) ; Afternoon Tea; Midnight snack
Yangtze River Cruise - Yellow Crane TowerYellow Crane Tower, Wuhan
  • Highlights of Today
    • Shore excursion to Hubei Provincial Museum (湖北省博物馆), Donghu Lake (东湖风景区), Guiyuan Temple (归元寺)

      (Hubei Provincial Museum, one of the 8 national class museums in China, displays nearly 1,000 pieces of state-level historic and cultural relics. It currently holds over 240 thousand objects to logistically introduce the history and culture of the ancient Chu State and the ancient Yangtze River, among which the most astonishing are the objects excavated from the Zenghouyi Tomb which was built about 2,400 years ago.)

  • Entertaiment Onboard
    • Handicraft | Games Kids Play;
  • Dining
    Breakfast (Chinese & Western buffet); Lunch (Chinese & Western buffet); Dinner (Chinese & Western buffet) ; Afternoon Tea; Midnight snack
Yangtze River Cruise - Yueyang TowerYueyang Tower
  • Highlights of Today
    • Shore excursion to Yueyang Tower (岳阳楼) and Bianhe Street (汴河街)

      (Yueyang Tower is one of the ten famous historical and cultural towers in China which is well-known for over 1,000 thousand years since the classic Chinese poem. Besides the outstanding construction skills and abundant poem and calligraphic displays, you can get on the tower to admire the great sightseeing of Dongting Lake.)

  • Entertaiment Onboard
    • Cruise Garden Party;
    • Cocktail Night;
  • Dining
    Breakfast (Chinese & Western buffet); Lunch (Chinese & Western buffet); Dinner (Chinese & Western buffet) ; Afternoon Tea; Midnight snack
Yangtze River Cruise - Xiling GorgeXiling Gorge
Yangtze River Cruise - Three Gorges DamThree Gorges Dam
  • Highlights of Today
    • Sail through Xiling Gorge (西陵峡)

      (It is the longest part with 76 km and also the most beautiful one among all the three gorges. Known for its dangerous rugged shoals & turbulent waters, historically. Now tourists can hardly see the billowy waves, but the beautiful landscape will let you forget the worries and linger.)

    • Shore excursion to Three Gorges Dam (三峡大坝)

      (No.1 must-see attraction arranged by every ship as the first or last shore excursion. Located in Yichang City, it has been the world’s largest power station. Three Gorges Dam is 3,335 meters long and the top of the dam is 185 meters above sea level. The dam consists of three parts - dam body, power plants and ship lift. It is used for producing electricity, but also increase the Yangtze River’s shipping capacity.)

  • Entertaiment Onboard
    • Mahjong/Cards/Chess Competition;
    • Lecture on the Yangtze River Story;
  • Dining
    Breakfast (Chinese & Western buffet); Lunch (Chinese & Western buffet); Dinner (Chinese & Western buffet) ; Afternoon Tea; Midnight snack
Yangtze River Cruise - Shennongjia Natural ReserveShennongjia Natural Reserve
  • Highlights of Today
    • Shore excursion to Shennongjia Natural Reserve (神农架风景区)

      (The nature reserve is the UNESCO World Natural Heritage in Hubei Province, China. You will get up to the essence part of the reserve to explore its best nature wonders.)

  • Entertaiment Onboard
    • Disco Dancing Party;
  • Dining
    Breakfast (Chinese & Western buffet); Lunch (Chinese dishes); Dinner (Chinese & Western buffet) ; Afternoon Tea; Midnight snack
Wushan & Fengjie
Yangtze River Cruise - Shennv StreamShennv Stream
Yangtze River Cruise - White Emperor CityWhite Emperor City
  • Highlights of Today
    • Shore excursion to Shennv Stream (神女溪) and White Emperor City (白帝城)

      (Shennv Stream: The painting-like natural wonderland to appreciate the primitive waterscape with strange rocks, verdant peculiar peaks, winding water, in the serene valley with crispy chirps of at Yangtze.)
      (White Emperor City: It is the famous Chinese Ancient "Poem City" mentioned in about 1,400 Chinese poems. It tells the touching story of Liu Bei entrusting his son to his prime minister, Zhuge Liang and has the best location to admire Kuimen Gate of Qutang Gorge.)

    • Sail through Wu Gorge (巫峡) and Qutang Gorge (瞿塘峡)

      (Wu Gorge is the middle one gorge. It is a mysterious gorge site well-known for its frequently rising and passing mists, which is extremely beautiful and gorgeous with the leaves in red, yellow, golden and orange during autumn.)
      (Qutang Gorge at the western section is narrow and dramatic like an art gallery of nature, which offers superb magnificent scenery for all guests.)

  • Entertaiment Onboard
    • Yangtze River Culture Evening Party;
  • Dining
    Breakfast (Chinese & Western buffet); Lunch (Chinese & Western buffet); Dinner (Chinese & Western buffet) ; Afternoon Tea; Midnight snack
Yangtze River Cruise - Mt. Wuling Great Rift ValleyMt. Wuling Great Rift Valley
  • Highlights of Today
    • Shore excursion to Mt. Wuling Great Rift Valley (武陵山大裂谷)

      (It is reputed as "China No.1 Dynamic Valley" to appreciate the 10 km's original Karst valley with magnificent mountains and peaks ranging from 600-1,980 meters above sea and have fun in the pleasant emerald wonderland of nature!)

  • Entertaiment Onboard
    • Cruise Garden Party;
    • Aerobics Time;
  • Dining
    Breakfast (Chinese & Western buffet); Lunch (Chinese & Western buffet); Dinner (Chinese & Western buffet) ; Afternoon Tea; Midnight snack
DAY 10
Yangtze River Cruise - Chongqing Yangtze River CablewayYangtze River Cableway, Chongqing
  • Highlights of Today
    • Ship disembarkation at Chongqing Chaotianmen Dock (重庆朝天门码头) at 08:30;

  • Dining
    Breakfast (Chinese & Western buffet);
Chongqing Embarkation
Yangtze River Cruise - Chongqing EmbarkationHongya Cave Night View, Chongqing
  • Highlights of Today
    • Board the ship at Chaotianmen Dock (朝天门码头), Chongqing at 16:00-21:00 and check in;
    • Depart from Chongqing at around 22:00;
  • Dining
    Dinner (Chinese & Western buffet) (18:30)
Yangtze River Cruise - Mt. Wuling Great Rift ValleyMt. Wuling Great Rift Valley
  • Highlights of Today
    • Shore excursion to Mt. Wuling Great Rift Valley (武陵山大裂谷)

      (It is reputed as "China No.1 Dynamic Valley" to appreciate the 10 km's original Karst valley with magnificent mountains and peaks ranging from 600-1,980 meters above sea and have fun in the pleasant emerald wonderland of nature!)

  • Entertaiment Onboard
    • Lecture on Yangtze River Story;
    • Captain's Welcome Party;
  • Dining
    Breakfast (Chinese & Western buffet); Lunch (Chinese & Western buffet); Dinner (Chinese & Western buffet) ; Afternoon Tea; Midnight snack
Wushan & Fengjie
Yangtze River Cruise - Shennv StreamShennv Stream
Yangtze River Cruise - White Emperor CityWhite Emperor City
  • Highlights of Today
    • Shore excursion to Shennv Stream (神女溪) and White Emperor City (白帝城)

      (Shennv Stream: The painting-like natural wonderland to appreciate the primitive waterscape with strange rocks, verdant peculiar peaks, winding water, in the serene valley with crispy chirps of at Yangtze.)
      (White Emperor City: It is the famous Chinese Ancient "Poem City" mentioned in about 1,400 Chinese poems. It tells the touching story of Liu Bei entrusting his son to his prime minister, Zhuge Liang and has the best location to admire Kuimen Gate of Qutang Gorge.)

    • Sail through Wu Gorge (巫峡) and Qutang Gorge (瞿塘峡)

      (Wu Gorge is the middle one gorge. It is a mysterious gorge site well-known for its frequently rising and passing mists, which is extremely beautiful and gorgeous with the leaves in red, yellow, golden and orange during autumn.)
      (Qutang Gorge at the western section is narrow and dramatic like an art gallery of nature, which offers superb magnificent scenery for all guests.)

  • Entertaiment Onboard
    • Disco Dancing Party;
  • Dining
    Breakfast (Chinese & Western buffet); Lunch (Chinese & Western buffet); Dinner (Chinese & Western buffet) ; Afternoon Tea; Midnight snack
Yangtze River Cruise - Shennongjia Natural ReserveShennongjia Natural Reserve
  • Highlights of Today
    • Shore excursion to Shennongjia Natural Reserve (神农架风景区)

      (The nature reserve is the UNESCO World Natural Heritage in Hubei Province, China. You will get up to the essence part of the reserve to explore its best nature wonders.)

  • Entertaiment Onboard
    • Aerobics Time;
  • Dining
    Breakfast (Chinese & Western buffet); Lunch (Chinese dishes); Dinner (Chinese & Western buffet) ; Afternoon Tea; Midnight snack
Yangtze River Cruise - Xiling GorgeXiling Gorge
Yangtze River Cruise - Three Gorges DamThree Gorges Dam
  • Highlights of Today
    • Sail through Xiling Gorge (西陵峡)

      (It is the longest part with 76 km and also the most beautiful one among all the three gorges. Known for its dangerous rugged shoals & turbulent waters, historically. Now tourists can hardly see the billowy waves, but the beautiful landscape will let you forget the worries and linger.)

    • Shore excursion to Three Gorges Dam (三峡大坝)

      (No.1 must-see attraction arranged by every ship as the first or last shore excursion. Located in Yichang City, it has been the world’s largest power station. Three Gorges Dam is 3,335 meters long and the top of the dam is 185 meters above sea level. The dam consists of three parts - dam body, power plants and ship lift. It is used for producing electricity, but also increase the Yangtze River’s shipping capacity.)

  • Entertaiment Onboard
    • Mahjong/Cards/Chess Competition;
    • Lecture on the Yangtze River Story;
  • Dining
    Breakfast (Chinese & Western buffet); Lunch (Chinese & Western buffet); Dinner (Chinese & Western buffet) ; Afternoon Tea; Midnight snack
Yangtze River Cruise - Jingzhou Ancient City WallJingzhou Ancient City Wall
  • Highlights of Today
    • Shore excursion to Jingzhou Ancient City Wall (荆州古城墙) and Jingzhou Museum (荆州博物馆)

      (Jingzhou Ancient City Wall is one of the best preserved and larges scaled city wall in southern part in China, which is historic from the Warring States period. Visit this ancient site to admire its look kept from the Qing dynasty and understand the history of Jingzhou being the famous place in the past dynasties.)
      (Jingzhou Museum: is one of the top National First Class Museums in China with over 130 thousand pieces of historical cultural relics. Admire the top best silk and colorful lacquer exhibitions from the Warring States period, well preserved swords of famous ancient kings. Besides, it boasts the best preserved and most historic ancient male corpse buried in 167BC from the Western Han dynasty.)

  • Entertaiment Onboard
    • Cruise Garden Party;
    • Cocktail Night;
  • Dining
    Breakfast (Chinese & Western buffet); Lunch (Chinese & Western buffet); Dinner (Chinese & Western buffet) ; Afternoon Tea; Midnight snack
Yangtze River Cruise - Yellow Crane TowerYellow Crane Tower, Wuhan
  • Highlights of Today
    • Shore excursion to Hubei Provincial Museum (湖北省博物馆), Donghu Lake (东湖风景区), Guiyuan Temple (归元寺)

      (Hubei Provincial Museum, one of the 8 national class museums in China, displays nearly 1,000 pieces of state-level historic and cultural relics. It currently holds over 240 thousand objects to logistically introduce the history and culture of the ancient Chu State and the ancient Yangtze River, among which the most astonishing are the objects excavated from the Zenghouyi Tomb which was built about 2,400 years ago.)

  • Dining
    Breakfast (Chinese & Western buffet); Lunch (Chinese & Western buffet); Dinner (Chinese & Western buffet) ; Afternoon Tea; Midnight snack
Yangtze River Cruise - Mount LuMount Lu
Yangtze River Cruise - JingdezhenJingdezhen - Taoyang Alley
Yangtze River Cruise - Pipa PavilionPipa Pavilion
  • Highlights of Today
    • Shore excursion to option A: Mount Lu (庐山)

      (The unique and magnificent landscape of Mount Lu is adorned with strange peaks, rocks, waterfalls, and springs scattered throughout gullies and valleys. It has been a muse for poets and scholars throughout history, inspiring over 16,000 poems. In 1996, Lushan National Park was recognized and listed in the UNESCO World Heritage List.)

    • Or shore excursion to option B: Jingdezhen - Tao Yang Alley (陶阳里御窑景区), Jiujiang Flood Control Themed Cultural Park (九江九八抗洪主题文化公园) and Pipa Pavilion (琵琶亭)

      (Located in the centre of Jingdezhen's old town, Tao Yang Alley re-creates the bustling scene of “Thirteen Miles of Tao Yang, Ten Thousand Families bustling” in those days. The scenic area covers 108 old city lanes that have lasted for thousands of years. Additionally, it includes the 650-year-old National Protection Unit - Imperial Kiln Factory National Archaeological Site Park, the 400-year-old Ming and Qing Dynasty kiln communities, and the 70-year-old ceramic industrial heritage, which is often referred to as “the pearl in the crown of the porcelain country.”);
      (The Pipa Pavilion, located at the Xunyang River scenic area, is a cultural landmark in the urban section of the Jiujiang Yangtze River National Cultural Park. It was initially constructed during the Tang Dynasty to honor the renowned Tang poet Bai Juyi. The pavilion is situated at the location mentioned in his poem "Farewell a Guest by the Xunyang River at Night" and has become one of the eight prominent sightseeing spots in ancient Jiangzhou.)

  • Entertaiment Onboard
    • Handicraft | Games Kids Play;
  • Dining
    Breakfast (Chinese & Western buffet); Lunch (Dinning at local restaurants); Dinner (Chinese & Western buffet) ; Afternoon Tea; Midnight snack
Yangtze River Cruise - Jiu Hua Shan Dayuan Buddhist Culture ParkJiu Hua Shan Dayuan Buddhist Culture Park
Yangtze River Cruise - FMount JiuhuaMount Jiuhua
  • Highlights of Today
    • Shore excursion to option A: Jiu Hua Shan Dayuan Buddhist Culture Park (大愿文化园景区) and Pingtian Lake (平天湖)

      (Worship the 99-meter bronze statue of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva at Jiu Hua Shan Dayuan Buddhist Culture Park, take a close look at the world's largest pool of Buddha's light, cross the rainbow bridge, and step into the Lotus Pure Land as the lotus rises under your feet.)
      (Take a stroll along the "most beautiful sky road" by Pingtian Lake, as recommended by Xinhua News. Here, you can admire the stunning views of the lake and mountains, breathe in the fresh air, and capture the beauty of the surroundings with your footsteps and camera.)

    • Or shore excursion to option B: ount Jiuhua Scenic Area (九华山风景区)

      (Mount Jiuhua, one of China's four famous Buddhist mountains, was recognized as a model for integrating geological landforms and regional culture. In 2019, it became the 39th global Geopark in China by joining the UNESCO Global Geopark Network.)

  • Entertaiment Onboard
    • Yangtze River Culture Evening Party;
  • Dining
    Breakfast (Chinese & Western buffet); Lunch (A Line: Anhui Cuisine; B Line: Traditional Chinese Dishes); Dinner (Chinese & Western buffet); Afternoon Tea; Midnight snack
DAY 10
Nanjing Disembarkation
Yangtze River Cruise - Nanjing DisembarkationNanjing Disembarkation
  • Highlights of Today
    • Ship disembarkation at Nanjing Wumadu Tourist Wharf (南京五马渡旅游码头) at 08:00;
    • Optional: 1 day Nanjing city tour (required extra payment).
  • Dining
    Breakfast (Chinese & Western buffet)
Please Note:
  1. Subject to Change:

    Please note that all arrival and departure times, shore excursions and lectures are subject to change due to weather, river conditions and permission from the navigational authorities. The cruise company will arrange the same fabulous sightseeing if the prearranged sites cannot be visited in a particular case.

  2. Embarkation Tips:

    (a) Please call the ship one day ahead or at least in the morning on the boarding day to have clear idea about which pier you are going to use; (b) It is better to arrive in Nanjing/Wuhan before 15:00 on the embarkation day.

  3. Arranged Shore Excursion:

    The ARRANGED shore excursions are included in your quotation, so you could visit the sites without extra charge. However, if you do not visit the sites, the fees of arranged shore excursion sites are not refunded. If you do not visit the shore excursions, you could stay on the ship to enjoy some leisure time. And for your safety, you are not allowed to leave your ship on your own.

  4. Physical Demands:

    There are stairs to climb up at Mount Lu and Mount Jiuhua scenic areas. Comfortable shoes are highly recommended to visit these sites.

  5. Nanjing / Wuhan Local Transportation:

    If you need a private transfer service or local & surrounding tour packages, please feel free to contact our professional travel consultants.

  6. Dressing Code for Parties:

    Travelers who attend the Captain's welcome banquet, night show are recommended to wear smart casual or formal.

  7. More Travel Guide & Support:

    To know more details about things to do in Chongqing, Wuhan and Nanjing, please head to Chongqing Tours & Ultimate Travel Guide 2024 | Wuhan Tours & Ultimate Travel Guide 2024 | Nanjing Tours & Ultimate Travel Guide 2024. You’ll find everything here.

Schedule of Yangtze 2

    • Jan.
    • Feb.
    • Mar.
    • Apr.
    • May.
    • June.
    • July.
    • Aug.
    • Sept.
    • Oct.
    • Nov.
    • Dec.
    Please Note:
    • The above price range is based on a standard cabin for twin sharing.
    • The prices are valid by Dec.31 of the year.
    • Please enquire us of the exact price according to your nationality, cruising time and cruising route.
    • The cruise prices for holidays such as National Holiday (the first week of October), Labor Day, Spring Festival, etc., are quoted upon request.
    • Limited winter schedules may be adjusted into other dates, cruise ships, etc. based on the arrangement of the cruise company.

    Save up more to Book a China Tour Package including Yangtze Cruise


    5 Days Yichang Tour with Yangtze Cruise Experience

    (Yichang / Yangtze Cruise / Chongqing)
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    4 Days Chongqing Essence Tour with Yangtze Cruise

    (Chongqing / Yangtze Cruise / Yichang )
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    6 Days Chongqing, Yangtze River & Zhangjiajie Exciting Tour

    (Chongqing / Yangtze Cruise / Yichang / Zhangjiajie)
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    11 Days China Golden Triangle Tour with Yangtze River Cruise

    (Beijing / Xian / Chongqing / Yangtze Cruise / Yichang / Shanghai)
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